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Mother's Day Global Peace Uprising: a message from Swami Beyondananda

Swami Beyondananda welcomes Mothers Day to celebrate the Mother of All Mothers, Mother Earth ... and the healing power of Utter Mirth.  If the male-dominated dominator system has created a "stag-nation", Swami celebrates the "doe-nation" made by the feminine impulse of nurturance and care.  

Swami Beyondananda is the alter ego of writer and humorist Steve Bhaerman.  Author Marianne Williamson calls him “The Mark Twain of our generation.”  On the serious side, Steve is author of Spontaneous Evolution, written with Bruce Lipton.  His website is

Media: Global Peace Uprising in the Press


2015 Mother’s Day Global Peace Uprising Invites Humanity to

Pledge Allegiance to Children


-- Celebration Features Grassroots Performances and Events Worldwide Beginning May 9 --


San Francisco, Calif. (April 30, 2015) - The Mother’s Day Global Peace Uprising will hold a grassroots celebration on a worldwide scale in support of peace and the wellbeing of children globally. The 2015 Mother’s Day celebration will feature a series of grassroots performances of music, comedy and dance to create a social meditation for change among communities around the world.


“We invite humanity as a whole to join the Mother’s Day Global Peace Uprising to pledge allegiance to children,” said Risa Kaparo, Ph.D., director of Inquiry, and a poet, songwriter and spiritual activist who has organized the series of events in different locations around the world. “Technology allows us to participate in a grassroots effort on a truly global scale in support of the wellbeing of families and children. Think of what it would mean if we all joined in and made this pledge to our children now and for the generations to come.”


The Mother’s Day Global Peace Uprising begins at sundown on May 9th in California with “Saturday Night Alive,” a celebration to include performances of music, comedy, storytelling and poetry, an Embodied Mindfulness Flashmob dance, and meditation, followed by a presentation on dialogue as a form of spiritual activism. This social meditation is intended to awaken a compassionate, empowering and creative participation as an embodied living dialogue - a radically appropriate response to the reality of our Earth. This event will occur in Point Richmond, CA. For location, schedule and details see:


Events in locations in other countries, as far east as Russia and India and as far west as Hawaii, will be held on Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015.


Kaparo has written the song for the Mother’s Day Global Peace Uprising with Baabe Irving (Miles Davis), which has been contributed as part of the global Flashmob. Called “For the Children,” it begins with words from the original Mother’s Day Proclamation written in 1870 by the American poet Julia Ward Howe. She called on women to unite and take on the responsibility to create peace together. She had earlier written the Battle Hymn of the Republic during the U.S. Civil War, which inspired the nation to go the distance in abolishing slavery. When the war was over, she spearheaded a new movement: what we now celebrate as Mother’s Day. Unlike the hallmark greeting card version currently celebrated, Julia called for an uprising of women all over the world to take a stand in determining the fate of our children.


About the Mother’s Day Global Peace Uprising

The 2015 Mother's Day Global Peace Uprising is a project of Inquiry, the Institute for Somatic Learning® and the Art of Dialogue, a part of AIWP (the Association for the Integration of the Whole Person), a non-profit corporation. Based in Point Richmond, CA, the Mother’s Day Global Peace Uprising is conceived as a multi-year, international program. It explores the art of dialogue (both verbal and non-verbal forms of shared embodied mindfulness) as a social meditation, relational yoga and spiritual activism. Its mission is to promote global peace through dialogue that engages Somatic Intelligence, bringing greater coherence to our thinking process, as thought becomes self-sensing, self-organizing, self-correcting and self-renewing.


For more information on the Mother's Day Global Peace Uprising project, listen to the radio interview with Risa Kaparo, below.







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Host a Dialogue Group


We encourage you to host a global peace and sustainable living dialogue group and/or an embodied mindfulness flashmob dance and meditation in your local area. We also encourage you to video it and upload it to our media page. To participate, please fill out the Local Event Hosting Form.


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